The Green Letter_newsletter graphics-03

emissions360 Release 

Picarro is excited to announce the release of emissions360TM. The new innovative web application will serve to close the loop between the Picarro Surveyor, P-Cubed, and turning your drives into actionable emissions inventories. The first release of emissions360 will focus on the fundamental building blocks utility operators need to understand their emissions and reach their net-zero goals.

The main focus of the product is to serve as an engineering tool to help operators build emissions inventories for their various networks. With the first release of the application, Picarro will be offering support for building traditional emissions inventories focused on pairing asset information with literature emission factors. Being able to do this accounting exercise is only a first step but is key to understanding baseline emissions. The first supported protocol will be the EPA GHGI inventory for distribution and will set the stage for more to come.

In the near-term, emissions360 will be directly integrated with P-Cubed to streamline operational Surveyor data into actionable emissions Inventories. Picarro’s vision is to be able to transform the way operators report their emissions to government, voluntary initiatives, and internal stake holders by utilizing the hard work already being executed for compliance, emissions, or super emitter drives. This value-added application will be able to transform data into a top-down measurement-based inventory for networks driven by Picarro and empower operators to truly understand their emissions profile.

In addition, Picarro will be releasing a major upgrade to any distribution operator’s tool belt by introducing the Super Emitter Program Planner. The SE Program Planner will be vital in understanding the deep abatement credits that utilizing Picarro AMLD can introduce. Whether a utility has already implemented a super emitter program or is considering the financial and operation implications of adopting one, the Super Emitter Program Planner will help illuminate the path to achieving Net-Zero. Its unique and powerful analytics engine allows the operator to model the leak distribution to their specific network, as well as customize financial and operational data, in order to output a real-world simulation that can be put into action for tangible results.

Picarro is excited to be integral to the Utility Industry’s emissions reduction journey and developed emissions360 to be a software application tailored to the needs of our customers. For more information on emissions360 please reach out to your Picarro representative for a live demo.