The Green Letter_newsletter graphics-03

A Message From Tal Centers

Change, Transition, Transformation

It is said, “change is inevitable”. I agree. In my 38 years of working in the gas industry change has been constant; - organizational, regulatory, societal , or a shift in customer expectations, I have personally experienced it all. In 1980’s the economy was significantly impacted by global unrest, cold war, and the housing market was hard hit with the savings in loan failures. Through the 90’s the natural gas industry was beginning to see more focus on environmental and safety regulations. In some areas we began to see deregulation and the beginnings of utility consolidation. During this period, the companies I worked for executed two large scale mergers and acquisitions. Early in the 2000s the industry was seriously looking at the long-term gas supply in the US and explored importing supply for other regions in the world. This coupled with safety incidents, mounting environmental concerns with CO2 emissions, the sustainability of the industry was a major concern.

But with change comes opportunity. That is where innovation, disciplined business fundamentals, and risk mitigation can play a large part in our strategies. Innovation in gas exploration developed fracking and unlocked huge gas reserves across the US and the world. In a matter of a few years, the gas industry found itself positioned as “the backbone” of energy for the next 100 years. , Although natural gas is a very clean burning fuel and ideal for generating reliable heat and electricity, the need to make it more efficient and cleaner is still a barrier to fulfilling its role. As a mechanical engineer with a business and environmental background, I understand the need to provide safe, reliable, cost effective, and environmentally responsible energy. The energy demand in the US and world is not going down. I consider myself a “conservationist”. I believe we should all be good stewards of our resources and environment. Resources include our people and capital. We all have a role to play. All energy sources should be in play to ensure reliability. Environmental concerns with CO2 and methane emissions continue to press the industry on carbon emissions. However, until reliable alternatives are fully developed natural gas will play a viable role in fulfilling this need for decades to come.

This is why I am so excited about joining Picarro. We are a company focused on solving these problems, being environmentally responsible. We are transforming the natural gas industry into the environmentally responsible “backbone” for energy and fulfilling its role for the next 100 years. Our products and services provide the industry with the ability to improve at an enterprise level. I have had the opportunity to work in most every area of the natural gas business in my career, and there have been very few technologies that can impact positive results in a business operationally, regulatory, and financially simultaneously.

Today’s financial investor is demanding sustainability and risk management. Customers and our economies are demanding safe, reliable, and cost-effective energy delivery. Regulators and Legislators are demanding prudence, accountability, and results. Picarro’s approach provide a clear path to achieving these demands simultaneously. It is refreshing to work with such an innovative and customer focused group, that leaves egos at the door and looks to the individual, no matter the background, to bring value to our customers and hence Picarro.

Change is constant, transition is often necessary; but the ability to transform is a special ability the successful find a way to do when change shows up! I am proud to be part of the transformation.

- Tal Centers, VP of Gas Business Development at Picarro